煲機是必須?Is Burn-In a myth or a must?


Panther Audio一直維持著應有的品質,不光外觀細心處理,內在的單元也是精心挑選並仔細調音,出貨時都是保持著最佳的狀態,但就有如新車要上路馴服,新的耳機也是如此。 剛出廠的Panther Audio產品,調音已經是完成品,但單元本身仍然需要一小段時間,讓裡面的元件稍稍的放鬆與磨合,我們並不建議大音量的去讓單體疲勞或是長時間的放送讓單元鬆垮,因為這並不是煲機,而是單純的破壞原有的聲音。



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未煲開的耳機,開頭的撥弦聲會顯得比較緊繃,人聲會稍嫌擁擠,整體的音色比較沒有那麼自然。一副已經在最佳狀態的Panther Audio產品,在開頭就能聽得到具有厚度及彈性的撥弦,後面會有開闊、寬鬆的音場,而整體曲線會是流暢、沒有壓迫感的自然聲音。


Burn-in isn’t a myth when it comes with the newly crafted Panther Audio‘s earphones, it allows the drivers to relax and move in and out more freely, so that it helps provide an optimal listening experience. 

However, we do not suggest to fatigue the drivers with high volume or make it loose with long burn-in time, because this is not a proper way for burn-in, but the risk of destroying the original sound.

Here is one of our burn-in playlist musics for your recommendation:

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With the non burn-in earphones, you may find that the picking sound at the beginning is tight, the vocal is slightly crowded, as well as the overall timbre is not that natural. But with a pair of Panther’s earphones in its best condition, you will find the plucked sound at the beginning with thickness and elasticity; and there will be a wide range of sound field at the back, the overall curve will be smooth and natural without oppressive feeling. 

It’s worth to spend time to run your earphone with favourite music, I believe that after a period of time, Panther’s earphone will become a unique and appealing IEM on your hand!



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